Greenofest - An Initiative To Promote Eco-Friendly Activities
As an educational institution of 21st century, JBM acknowledges the obligation to cultivate a new generation that is capable of accepting environmental, social & economic challenges. Keeping the same in view JBM has been advocating deep love & regard for the protection of environment, as we at JBM, strongly believe in Environmentally Sustainable Development- the process that helps to protect what we enjoy today, for the future generations, without making any compromises. Needless to say that it involves creating awareness, making decision and taking actions which are in the interest of protecting the environment.
Our reckless & selfish attitude & ruthless hunt for material happiness have badly abused our heritage- The Nature. The dire predictions of the future of our mother earth are sound & worthy of heed. We must understand that the survival of our future generation depends on what we do now. There is an urgent need to analyze our behaviour with our nature. What are we heading for ! What the world would look like 20 years from now!! is now, the concern of everyone. Extreme abuse of nature has brought us to environmental crises. We can’t take natural heritage for granted. We all have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
In tune with above, the school has been conducting Greenofest for the last 5 years. Large scale sapling plantation has been undertaken with other activities for the children and their parents. Greenofest- an awareness program to reach the masses is the celebration of hope.
Reduced use of polythene & plastic, Rain Water Harvesting, Regular Classroom Garbage Auditing,
Compost Pit are the initiatives to endorse the same by the school.
The school is making a conscious effort to have green changes in the lifestyle of each child.
We at JBM seek co-operation of every member of the society. We would appreciate if you join us in this initiative to sensitize & involve the whole community- young & old, neighbours & colleagues, friends & foes.
We take this opportunity to invite you, to be our Green Partner in creating awareness regarding environmental degradation. Remember, we all are equally responsible for protecting our environment and creating a healthier future for ourselves, our children & our earth.
Let’s look beyond making short term gains & focus on long term impacts of our activities on our environment as Our Earth is Our Responsibility.