Vibrant democratic management with exceptional leadership qualities of unwavering commitment to excellence and motivation with high standing and repute.

Ms. L. Arora
We are all honored and privileged citizens of India as we inherit philosophical vision- a legacy of Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shankacharaya, Chanakya, Vivekanand and APJ Abdul Kalaam etc. We are proud to blend and amalgamate traditional values with the latest technology / modernization to be a part of rapidly changing complex global workforce and the world.
As an educational institution of 21st century, the school acknowledges the obligation to cultivate a new generation that is capable of accepting environmental, social and economic challenges. Our Endeavour is to nurture a new generation with global outlook reflected in attitude and values.
The school has been putting forth a strong effort to meet the challenges and expectations, to instill in children the desire to learn, chase dreams and empower themselves to create empowering educational intuition for a learning society.
I can say with conviction that I can draw upon the strength of larger JBM family to propel us to such an inspiring future.
With lots of Blessings.

Mr. Gurudutt Arora
Managing Director
The philosophy of school room today will be the philosophy of the society tomorrow. I strongly agree that education can be the most powerful weapon to change the world as it has a formative effect on the way our younger generation thinks, feels and acts.
The school is striving hard to create an environment where strong characters are built, strong values are defined , maintained , promoted and disseminated being an integral part of broad and balanced, creative and comprehensive, futuristic curriculum to empower the students to face global challenges.
The education is a shared commitment of stakeholders-dedicated Teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations, who all have individual geniuses and ability, with which they can go farther, together than alone.
I strongly believe that a well- developed personality is the upshot of education, which lays emphasis on holistic development of children. School is committed to honor the wonderful traditions of its past, striving to stay on the leading edge of innovation.
Contact at: Email: md@jbms.in

Dr. Upma Arora
I feel honored and privileged to head JBM , an educational institution-a community of learners , where every stakeholder- student, teacher, parent, is a learner taking every day as an opportunity to learn, explore and discover.
As we nurture intellectually vibrant, emotionally mature, socially conscious, physically fit students it has been our endeavor to empower students to be critical thinkers and productive members of the global society. JBM endeavors to nurture:
We at school believe that the entire purpose of education is not to restrict to impart bookish knowledge wholly but also inculcate humanitarian values – wisdom, compassion, humility, empathy, integrity, generosity and trust. The ranking of JBM in Noida is a testimony to the success stories that the faculty and the management have worked towards, over the years.
It is my sincere Endeavour to send out from my prestigious institute, the future citizens, who shall be proud of their heritage and culture, who shall grasp with confidence the future technologies and who shall attain a well balanced personality and character and above all shall serve their country in the best possible way.
Contact at: Email: principal@jbms.in

Mrs. Nalini Bahl
Director Academics
Today we stand poised on the threshold of a new era- an era of change in dynamics of education. The educational ventures are changing. We all know the education is central to the lives of young people as it involves development of physical or cognitive skills, acquisition of knowledge and shaping the values, attitude and beliefs. The future of a country rests on the shoulder of the youth to build a strong nation.
The school management of high standing and repute with strong vision, not only is providing the students with cutting edge in technology, but also aims at edifying students about the worth of honesty, dignity and justice. The management has fostered scholastic and co- scholastic programmes, in which values are defined, maintained, promoted, disseminated and are considered achievements. The school is proud of the facilitators- the teaching faculty, which goes beyond imparting information and is well versed with emerging trends and challenges of the present times providing personal attention.
As parents and teachers, we owe our children, opportunities to become all that they can become, to value themselves, to be self-reliant, to be free from stress, to be able to live peaceful lives, to celebrate the moment, to fulfill their higher needs and to feel a sense of purpose in this world.
We must be able to model what we are attempting to teach and understand that every individual belongs to a league. We must recognize the individuality of our children as each child is different, special and should be valued. Each child is worthy of our unconditional love and needs to be encouraged.
Contact at: Email: diracademics@jbms.in

Dr. Seema Bhandari
Children are beautifully designed, by nature, to direct their own education which is what we strive for. For most of human history, children educated themselves through observing, exploring, questioning, playing and participating. These educative instincts still work beautifully for children who are provided with conditions that allow them to flourish. If your child has a high aptitude or passion in a certain discipline, we motivate them to develop that aptitude.
Active Imagination – Children have such active imagination & when children are encouraged they almost automatically live with purpose, passion, and exuberance. We have devised easy and fun ways to teach our students how to use the Law of Attraction in their daily lives.
Attitude of Gratitude – We encourage our students to be grateful and happy for what they already have as they must learn to value what they have from their early years with a stress on social responsibility.
Power of words – We teach our children the power of words. Then, introduce them to affirmations and how these can help their self-confidence.There is nothing more discouraging than hearing a little one say “I can’t” when they have not even tried.
Giving and Receiving – It is important and not limited to quantum physics; we know that sharing is an important skill for young kids to learn. For instance, when we teach a child to share their knowledge or toys, we are teaching them to let go of the feeling of attachment or possession even if temporarily.
Focus – Focus and belief is paramount in education, as children grow up and their abilities awaken, teach them the importance of focus in their dreams and desires with a positive attitude and full expectation.
The setting of our school forces students to take responsibility for their own learning and encourages them to share their opinions. In addition to learning about topics being discussed, students also learn valuable public speaking skills and to be respectful of their fellow students’ ideas. Studies have supported the method’s effectiveness in increasing students’ retention and recall of material. It is about full blown human potential and how you support that in both intellectual and creative terms.”
Contact at: Email: diradmin@jbms.in